Short term responses in ocean thermal characteristics during winter to atmospheric forcing and advection off Bombay, west coast of India


60-65The observed variability of meteorological forcing parameters and ocean thermal characteristics was examined in relation to MLD(mixed layer depth) and heat content based on time series data collected off Bombay during winter at 2 sites(deep and shallow) and vertical temperature sections. Both surface meteorological forcing and thermal variability were predominantly of semidiurnal and intra-semidiurnal periods. Delay for MLD shoaling and deepening in response to hearing and wind stirring was more at deep site. Increased thermal variability and inversions between 80 and 150m characterised the deep site on the slope while well mixed warmer waters were present at shallow site on the shelf Differential heat advection of cold and warm waters above and below 80m at deep site and progressive mild cooling of shelf waters at shallow site were supported by probable warm and cold core eddy interaction and tidal flows

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