Classification of Geomagnetic Micropulsations in Relation to the Interplanetary Magnetic Field Parameters


41-42The present system of classification of geomagnetic micropulsations is rather arbitrary based mainly on the morphological features observed in the records. A better method would be to base the, classification on some physical parameters connected with their generation and propagation. An attractive possibility is seen in the measurements by satellites of the interplanetary magnetic field and magnetospheric quantities. Using interplanetary magnetic field parameters recorded aboard Explorer 28, an attempt is made to find a relation between these parameters and the geomagnetic micropulsations of 120 to 20 sec periods (30-180 cph) observed in the Telluric current activity recorded at College (Alaska). It is found that pulsations in the range 30-120 cpb behave in a different manner compared to the pulsations in the range 130-180 cph

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