Impact of tillage and nutrient management practices on soil aggregate carbon pools of rice-wheat cropping system in semiarid India


207-214The soils collected from experimental site were split into two size fractions – macroaggregates (>250µm) and microaggregates (<250µm) and were used for determining the organic carbon pools in them. Results indicated that labile pools of carbon, essential to sustain soil food web, were stored mostly in macroaggregates of puddled system and microaggregates of unpuddled system. Integrated manurial treatments containing well decomposed materials were found to be better than mineral fertilizers or organic manure alone in sustaining the microbial biomass carbon content of aggregates. Improvement in stabilized pools of soil organic carbon as indicated by total polysaccharides was not proportional to the applied amount of organic manures. Aggregate binding carbon fractions like glomalin and dilute acid extractable polysaccharide in the macroaggregates of puddled system can be enhanced by application of 100% organics

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