Light wavelength dependent circadian and seasonal responses in blackheaded bunting


448-459<span style="mso-fareast-font-family:TimesNewRomanPSMT; mso-ansi-language:EN-IN">Animals in the wild are exposed to daily variations in sun light, viz. duration, intensity and spectrum. Photosensitive blackheaded buntings (Emberiza melanocephala) were exposed to photoperiods differing in the length of light period, wavelengths and intensity. The effects of such light changes were measured on locomotor activity rhythm as well as seasonal responses like development of migratory restlessness: Zugunruhe, body mass and gonadal growth. The results show that the buntings are differentially responsive to light wavelengths and intensities and are indicative of a phase-dependent action of light on the circadian photoperiodic system. These birds seem to use changes in the light variables of the solar environment to regulate their circadian and seasonal responses. </span

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