Importance of biodiversity study in road/highway projects


135-149Indian subcontinent is famous for its unique geographic location and its biodiversity. India's diverse geography and tropical monsoon climate has always been congenial for the growth of varieties of plants and animals. Out of world's thirty-four mega diversity hot-spots, India is home for four hot-spots. In the past few years, India has been experiencing rapid increase in industrialization and urbanisation. For the better connectivity of cities/towns and for transportation of construction materials, expansion of existing roads and construction of new roads/highways have taken place in past few years. This unabated pace of roads and highway development has led to segregation/ reduction in natural habitat of flora and fauna and even eradication of several species. Over the years, throughout the world (including India) several steps have been taken to abate and minimize adverse impacts of these activities on fragile biological setup. Indian government has introduced several legislations for conservation and protection of biodiversity including flora and fauna. In India, under the Environmental Impact Assessment Notification (EIA) of 14 September, 2006, it is compulsory for road/ highway projects to carry out EIA study and get prior environmental clearance if the project falls under the criteria as stipulated in the EIA notification. In EIA study, it is important to carry out comprehensive study of flora and fauna in and around the project site and make it an integral part of EIA report. In the present paper, an effort has been made to highlight various national and international rules/ regulations/ treaties which are being implemented for the conservation and management of biodiversity. The paper further discusses the various issues related to biodiversity conservation with particular reference to road/highways projects in India

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