<i>In vitro </i>Shoot Regeneration from Leaf and Nodal Explants of <i>Enicostemma</i> <i>hyssopifolium </i>(Willd.) Verd.— A Vulnerable Medicinal Plant


401-404Enicostemma hyssopifolium (Willd.) Verd. plants were established in aseptic cultures from surface sterilized leaf and single node stem segments. Multiple shoots were elicited from leaf explants on MS medium supplemented with BAP (1.5 mg1-1) and IAA (0.5 mg 1-1), while from nodal explants on BAP (1.0 mg 1-1) and IAA (0.5 mg1-1). Maximum shoot proliferation and elongation was established in shoots derived from leaf explants on MS medium supplemented with KN (1.0 mg 1-1) and BAP (1.0 mg 1-1), while in shoots derived from nodal explant it was on MS supplemented with KN (1.0 mg 1-1) and BAP (0.5 mg 1-1). Plantlets were rooted on 1/2 strength MS medium supplemented with IAA (1.0 mg 1-1). The in vitro raised plantlets were acclimatized in green-house and successfully transplanted to the nursery

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