Educating Generation Z About Gender Equality in Sport


The GETZ (Gender Equality Toolkit for Generation Z) project aims to develop, deliver and evaluate an innovative educational resource specifically designed for generation z on the issues relating to gender equality and equal opportunities in sport. In order to understand the perceptions, attitudes and actions related to gender equality and equal opportunities in sport among generation z, undergraduate students from four research institutions involved in the GETZ-project were recruited and a total of eight focus groups were conducted. Data was elicited thought questions regarding: (1)Their perceptions and experiences of gender equality; (2) Personal commitment and attitudes to gender equality; and (3) Any specific actions they had taken or behaviours they had engaged in to promote gender equality or alleviate gender inequality. These questions were informed by the pre-agreed MOOC units of the GETZ Toolkit which are: Culture & Society, Governance & Law, Commerce, Media, Participation, and Events. Preliminary findings indicate that there were common perceptions and experiences among students from Generation Z across all four participating institutions and countries and that there was an outspoken advantage for males in the sport industry, in terms of governance, media and behaviour

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