Molecular Genetic Investigation of Bipolar Disorder: Recruitment and Data Collection
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Bipolar disorder is a common psychiatric condition with episodes of extreme mood disturbance ranging from mania to depression. We are currently collecting clinically rich data from a large group of individuals with bipolar disorder as part of our ongoing research into the genetic and environmental causes of bipolar disorder.
Participants are being recruited to our study with the help of a number of Clinical Studies Officers throughout the UK. Participants are visited in their own homes by a member of our research team. A semi-structured psychiatric interview, Schedules for Clinical Assessment in Neuropsychiatry, is administered and a blood sample collected at the time of interview. Participants are left with a pack of self-rate questionnaires to complete in their own time, which measure psychological aspects of bipolar disorder. We also ask for participants’ consent to gather further information from their case notes to supplement the information provided at interview.
Collecting rich clinical data is essential for molecular genetic studies investigating how genetic and environmental factors interact and influence susceptibility to bipolar disorder. We hope the findings of our research will enable a better understanding of the causes of bipolar disorder and will lead to improved treatments in the future