The Portrayal Of Black Woman Stereotype InBlack Film Fences (2016)


This study focuses on the character analysis of black woman , and blackwoman streotype in Fences film (2016).This research aims to understand howRose as the black woman character described and how Rose present the stereotypeof black woman in black film Fences (2016), through comparative method,character and streotype analysis in this study. Black Woman has the important role to understanding Fences filmalthough Rose as black woman is not the main character, but the plot shows thatRose character is the core of story in the film.Fences as black film is a form ofblacks struggle through film to present the real portrayal of black womanstereotype.There are four streotype of black woman Mammy, Jezebel, Saphire,and Strong Black Women but the dominant streotype of black woman in the filmis mammy.The Mammy stereotype is the depiction of black woman who has goodcharacter, and positive role.This stereotype is reflected from Rose character that isloving person, calm, sensitivity and concern, and religious.This film also confirmsthat black woman has the positive portrayal not always seen as negative objectand perspectives in the film.vii, 38 hlm,; ilus,; 25 cm

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