Exploring How Learning Style Relates to General and Career Management Self-Efficacy Beliefs in a Managerial Context


This study examined how learning style relates to self-efficacy beliefs in a managerial context. To make a theoretical frame, the study relied on Kolb’s experiential learning theory and a model of self-efficacy–performance relationship proposed by Gist and Mitchell. The study analyzed not only general efficacy but also specific efficacy focused on career management. Participants of this study consisted of 235 managers who worked for the Ministry of Finance in Indonesia. Results showed that managers’ learning orientation towards abstract conceptualization over concrete experience was associated with increased self-efficacy beliefs, whereas an orientation towards active experimentation over reflective observation was associated with general self-efficacy development but had a marginal influence on career management self-efficacy. This study sheds light on a link between learning style and self-efficacy development in organizations. Based on the findings, the study offers theoretical and practical implications for leveraging learning styles and self-efficacy beliefs in organizations

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