Biomimetic route to hybrid nano-Composite scaffold for tissue engineering


Hydroxyapatite-poly(vinyl) alcohol-protein composites have been prepared by a biomimetic route at ambient conditions, aged for a fortnight at 30±2°C and given a shape in the form of blocks by thermal cycling. The structural characterizations reveal a good control over the morphology mainly the size and shape of the particles. Initial mechanical studies are very encouraging. Three biocompatibility tests, i.e., hemocompatibility, cell adhesion, and toxicity have been done from Shree Chitra Tirunal, Trivandrum and the results qualify their standards. Samples are being sent for more biocompatibility tests. Optimization of the blocks in terms of hydroxyapatite and polymer composition w.r.t the applications and its affect on the mechanical strength have been initiated. Rapid prototyping and a β-tricalcium – hydroxyapatite combination in composites are in the offing

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