Processing of iron ore fines by column flotation – Part I & part II


The Government of India highlighted Processing and utilization of iron ore fines as a pre-requisite to meet the domestic raw material requirements for the projected 110 million tonnes of domestic steel production by the year 2019-20 in the National Steel Policy announced in November 2005. This would require 190 million tonnes of iron are. The depletion of high grade iron are and increased generation of fines during mining and handling and demand for high grade iron are fines for export has necessitated the processing of low to medium grade fines. The R&D efforts undertaken at NML-Madras Centre, India in this direction have been highlighted. Flotation in general and Column Flotation in particular appear to be promising in addressing this problem. This would also mitigate the environmental problem created by the dumping of huge quantities of low and medium grade iron are fines. Three case studies involving iron ore fines of varying silica and alumina content from Goa and Bellary-Hospet regions of India were discussed. The results clearly indicate the feasibility and significance of flotation process in treating the fines to obtain marketable concentrates

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