Flotation of Barite From Complex Iron Ore


The present contribution is aimed at the production of a high-grade barite concentrate front complex iron ores of ore-deposit Kremikovtzi,Bulgaria. The ores consisting main-ly of limonite, hematite and siderite have been bene-ficiated by high intensity electromagnetic wet separation on magnetic separator type Jones DP 317. Barite flotation has been succeeded from non-magnetic fraction merged with ground barite rear materials. The collecting flotation agents OMC 199 and AERO 8-15 (2:1 ratio) at the total dosage rate of 400-450 g/t have been applied. The frother OrePrep F 501 consumption has been 10-15 g/t_ Water glass has been applied as a silica depressant at the application rate of 4-4.5 kg/t. Annual output of flotation barite concentrate reach 120 000 tons. Of this quantity 75 wt. i7c are exported in bulk with total assay of BaSO4 and SrSO4 97-98 wt % and 8 wt % moisture. The rest part is dried, ground and bagged. The qualirr corresponds to OCMA (Oil Companies Material Association) /API (American Petroleum Institutes requirements

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