The Present Position & Future of the Manganese Industry with Special Reference to Indian Resources


Statistics are quoted which show that manganese ore production is tied directly with world steel production, but fluctuations in steel output affect Indian ore production much more than production from other sources. A steady and increased demand for manganese is likely to result from research and development into: 1'. Improvement of quality of the end product and concentration of the manganese metal content to reduce freight charges. 2. The technical advantages of manganese as an alloying constituent in steel and the replacement of the more expensive alloying constituents, such as nickel, by manganese in alloy steels. 3. The use of manganese in non-ferrous alloys with particular reference to alloying constituent which increase the stability of the ductile gammaphase of manganese. 4. Manganese as a coating to provide corrosion and abrasion resistance to steel and non-ferrous metals, particularly in those fields in which zinc and nickel are at present used. The formation of a research and development organization to promote the use of manganese is advocated

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