A Model and Test of Individual and Organization Factors Influencing Individual Adaptation to Change


This study analyzed the antecedents and outcomes of individual adaptation to a changing work environment. We developed and tested a model of both individual factors and organizational factors affecting individual responses to change. We hypothesized that individuals reporting higher levels of the antecedent variables would also report higher levels of adaptability. We also hypothesized better adaptors would perceive better work outcomes. The model was tested in a field study of 169 participants across four different organizations experiencing varying changes. Results indicated participation, role clarity, and optimism were positively related to adaptability. Further, we found that better adaptors were more satisfied with their jobs, were less likely to quit the organization, and perceived higher performance after the change. Change managers can take heart in that most of the variables associated with successful adaptation are under the organization’s influence, so facilitating change is not an impossible task

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