
Modelling of friction stir welding of 304 stainless steel


A 3-D Eulerian steady-state CFD model has been developed to simulate the Friction Stir Welding (FSW) of 6mm plate 304 stainless steel (304SS). The Polycrystalline BoroNitride- Tungsten Rhenium (PCBN-WRe) hybrid tool was modelled with the workpiece in a fully sticking condition. The viscosity of stainless steel was calculated from the flow stress equation taken from a previous study of hot working carried out in a range of temperatures between 800oC-1200 oC and strain rates 0.001 s-1 to 5 s-1. The model predicted the temperature distribution in the Stirred Zone (SZ) for three welding cases including low, intermediate and high rotational speed/traverse speeds. The model also predicts that localised melting may occur if the tool rotational speed exceeds 400RPM. Finally, the model suggested a larger probe (12mm diameter at the shoulder base and 5.8mm length) with a stationary shoulder would prevent the localised melting and allow an increase in welding speeds without the associated introduction of stagnant zone related weld defects

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