The translation procedure of cultural words in the novel Percy Jackson the battle of the labyrinth by Rick Riordan


In this research, the writer concerns with translation study, that is, the translation procedure in the translation of cultural words in Percy Jackson novel by Rick Riordan. The objectives of the research is aimed to know the translation procedure are used by the translator in translating of cultural words and to know the procedure that mostly used in translating them. The writer uses qualitative descriptive method in order to find the objectives of the research that is describing of cultural words in Percy Jackson novel and analyzing them based on Newmark?s theory. The writer employs herself to collect data; by reading the novel and its translation, finding and marking the cultural words from both novels and classifying them based on the theory of cultural category proposed by Peter Newmark (1988), selecting the data by considering the most specific cultural words and then analyzing the selected data with explains them that is with looking for the definition of cultural words which found as the research by using the appropriate dictionary (Oxford Dictionary, English-Indonesia Dictionary, Indonesia-English Dictionary and KBBI) or it derived from resource person, it aimed to know the meaning of the cultural words. After that, it identified based on the theory of translation procedure proposed by Peter Newmark (1988). According to result of research findings, first, there are four categories of cultural words that used in this novel such as material culture, ecology, social culture and social organization-political and administrative; second, seven procedures are used to render the selected English cultural words into Indonesia include transference, naturalization, descriptive equivalent, synonymy, paraphrase, literal translation and notes (in parentheses and at the bottom of page). Finally, the writer concludes that the translator only uses seven procedures to analyze eighteen data, they are: (1) Transference used to analyze the cultural words of denim, granola, cracker, smoothie, root beer, drachma, hippie, harpy and tap dance (50%); (2) Naturalization used to analyze the cultural words of tunic, pyjamas and nectar (17%); (3) Descriptive equivalent used to analyze the cultural words of himation, moose and sand dollar (17%); (4) Synonymy used to analyze the cultural words of cheerios (5%); (5) Paraphrase used to analyze the cultural words of cheerios (5%); (6) literal translation used to analyze the cultural words of sand dollar (5%); and (7) notes in parentheses used to analyze the cultural words of chiton (5%); notes at the bottom of page used to analyze the cultural words of Sacagawea. So it can be summarized that transference is the mostly procedure used by translator in translating of cultural words in Percy Jackson translation novel (50%

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