
In context of the present scenario of refining of crude, Thermal Conversion Processes are getting renewed interest in upgrading the residual fractions. With the very heavy feed stocks the simplest and cheapest options available are the thermal processes namely Visbreaking and Delayed Coking. IIP/EIL have developed indigenous visbreaking and Delayed Coking technologies. Exclusive pilot plant studies to generate data, improve and optimize the proc.ess were carried out at lIP. At Visbreaking pilot plant the feedstock having viscosities in the range of 33 to 15240 cSt at 100°C have been processed. Visbreaking process was licensed to seven Indian Refineries. For marketing the soaker visbreaking technologies globally lIP has entered into an agreement with Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation, USA. For the further advancement of this technology to improve products quality and yields work is being carried out at lIP. For upgrading of heavy fractions, the integration of other refining processes with thermal conversion can improve the yield of desirable products. Conversion and fuel oil stability has also been discussed in this paper

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