Jatropha Curcas : A Potential Source of Biodiesel Diesel Extender


EnvironmentalJactors are the main drivingJorceJor better Juels and questJor alternatives. Public interest in a cleaner environment has led to the passage oj the US Clean Air Act Amendments oj 1990 and the Energy Policy Act qf 1992 (10% motor Juels to beJrom non-petroleum sources by 2000 and 30% by 2010). Biodiesel, a renewable diesel Juel substitute or blending stock, is currently being commercialized in the United States and Europe. Biodiesel has virtually no sulphur or aromatics and contains 11% oj oxygen by weight. It also has a high cetane, usually above 50, due primarily to the long straight chain nature oj the Jatty acid portion oj the ester. These attributes allow biodiesel to be used as an emissions reducing Jactor Juel component and the lack oJ aromatics may contribute significantly to reduction in exhaust gas mutagenicity and carcinogenicity. Biodiesel is also claimed to have superior lubricity to conventional petroleum base diesel. Applications Jor biodiesel appear to be those where it can provide value added benefits (emissions, biodegradability, lubricity, cetane etc) or those where it represents a cost competitive option to meet other legislative initiations (alternateJuels, green house gas reduction, economic development). Commercial biodiesel available < in the market is baSed on rape seed, suriflower,soybean. palm, linseed, olive, cotton, usedJrying i and waste oils. i < I In the Indian context the species oj choice will be one which can provide non-edible, under I exploited oil and can be grown on arid and semi arid land. One oj the plants which qualifies the above requirements is Jatropha curcas. Potential oj curcas oil as a candidate Jor biodiesel, optimization oj reaction parameters Jor the conversion oj curcas oil into biodiesel, physico-chemical properties oj curcas oil and methyl ester oj curcas oil (biodiesel) and availability qf curcas oil are some oj the aspects which will be highlighted in this paper

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