
Introduction: Diabetic mellitus is a metabolic disease. Diabetic mellitus also a crhonic disease and have a complications. One of the complication is diabetic peripheral neuropathy. 60-70% patient with diabetic mellitus also has diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Factors that contribute of diabetic peripheral neuropathy incident are length of diabetes, ages, and poor of glucose control. This study aims to knew correlate beetwen length of diabetes with diabetic peripheral neuropathy incident. Method: This study used cross sectional design with 79 respondents and recruited by simple random sampling methode. Data were collected from patients with diabetic mellitus. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy was measured by diabetic neuropathy symptom (DNS). Results: Chi square test analysis showed no significant correlate beetwen length of diabetes with diabetic peripheral neuropathy incident (p value > 0.05). Discussion: It can be inferred that length of diabetes is not only one risk factors that contributed diabetic peripheral neuropathy incident. Therefore, need more reseacrh to correlate beetwen diabetic peripheral neuropathy incident with the other factors. Key words: diabetic mellitus, diabetic peripheral neuropathi, length of diabete

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