On The Development of a Mobile Survey Framework with Dynamic Code Loading


Conducting research based on surveys and experiment is a laborious task. This report describes the design and implementation of a system that aims to reduce some of the workload researchers are facing when gathering data from the general population. This is achieved by creating a survey framework which allows the creation and distribution of surveys, as well as the collection of surveys results. In addition to textual questions, the framework allows the researcher to include coded experiments which are distributed with the survey and loaded by the framework at runtime. The survey tool, implemented on the Android™ platform, supports Android-based code modules but also web content and Unity code modules. Interfaces to facilitate communication between external code modules and the survey tool are in place for each of the three supported module types. The generic nature of the framework coupled with its modularity and the ability to work without a permanent network connection make is suitable for a vast number of research scenarios. To show the feasibility of the system, a survey investigating the correlation between cognitive function and driver behaviour is conducted. It shows the level of automation that can be achieved and, simultaneously validates the system. System tests were used to verify the framework

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