Construct by Contract: Construct by Contract: An Approach for Developing Reliable Software


This research introduces “Construct by Contract” as a proposal for a general methodology to develop dependable software systems. It describes an ideal process to construct systems by propagating requirements as contracts from the client’s desires to the correctness proof in verification stage, especially in everyday-used software like web applications, mobile applications and desktop application. Such methodology can be converted in a single integrated workspace as standalone tool to develop software. To achieve the already mentioned goal, this methodology puts together a collection of software engineering tools and techniques used throughout the software’s lifecycle, from requirements gathering to the testing phase, in order to ensure a contract-based flow. Construct by Contract is inclusive, regarding the roles of the people involved in the software construction process, including for instance customers, users, project managers, designers, developers and testers, all of them interacting in one common software development environment, sharing information in an understandable presentation according to each stage. It is worth to mention that we focus on the verification phase, as the key to achieve the reliability sought. Although at this point, we only completed the definition and the specification of this methodology, we evaluate the implementation by analysing, measuring and comparing different existing tools that could fit at any of the stages of software’s lifecycle, and that could be applied into a piece of commercial software. These insights are provided in a proof of concept case study, involving a productive Java Web application using struts framework

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