
ABSTRACT Introduction: The malnutrition condition in Jombang 2014 were 0,95%. Therefore, the innovation to tack the malnutrition in Jombang is needed.The innovation of malnutrition to tack in Jombang Regency has been done with groundbreaking program called with theme “Bertabur Bintang”. Beside as, it has been done by training handling toddler malnutrition by nutritional officer at Public Health Center (PKM) with cader about Training Positive Deviance and build Taman Pemulihan Gizi (TPG). Nutrition deficiency will cause of physical growth fairlue and intelligence development, lower productivity.Researcher have aim to know the effectiveness of Nutrition Recovery Park activity to the growth toddlers. Method: The Design of researcher is qusai experiment with “Pre Post Test Design”. All of toddlers population with less nutrition and malnutrition in Sudimoro Megaluh Jombang. Independent variable is Nutrition Recovery Park activity. Dependent variable is growth of toddlers. The intervention of research in the period of three month the toddler were give the nutrition recovery with 12 days of eating the good nutrition in each months. The assesing of growth are weight/ height by the toddlers. The data will process and analyze using T-Test. Results: The result of research show that probability is < 0,05 it means there is an effectiveness of Nutrition Recovery Park acivity to the growth toddlers in Sudimoro Megaluh Jombang. The Nutrition Recovery Park program showed significanly succes to raised the toddler’s nutrition. Therefore, a good team work between health service and government is needed to make this program succes. Key word: Nutrition Recovery Park, growth, toddle

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