The confrontation of stress in the work in the adult age


Orientadores: Monica Sanches Yassuda, Anita Liberalesso NeriDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de EducaçãoResumo: O envelhecimento e o desgaste provocado pelo trabalho demandam a compreensão das relações entre idade, experiência e o enfrentamento dos estressores ocupacionais. Objetivo: investigou-se através de um estudo descritivo o enfrentamento de estressores ocupacionais e sua relação com estresse percebido, idade, cargo e experiência, mediadas por crenças de auto-eficácia e agência, entre 71 líderes, técnicos e engenheiros de empresa elétrica, comparados quanto à idade (27-50 anos) e tempo de serviço (>=5 anos; 2 - 4 anos; =5 years; 2-4 years; <2 years). Method: the participants were submitted to a sociodemographic and job questionaire, scales of perceived stress intensity, coping with job stress, self-efficacy and agency, applied in the work by trained people. Results: it was found high internal consistency for coping scales (0.849), beliefs of agency (0.754) and personal agency (0.744). The degree of perceived stress was 7 (scale 0-10), identifying stressors inherent in organization, tasks and people management. The coping self-efficacy was moderate (engineers: M=3.34, ± 0.28; technicians: M=3.13, ± 0.41). Interpersonal agency was correlated significantly with age: the youngest ones believe more in the exercise of control through the resources of the others, in relation to the oldest. Positive correlations were observed among time of work and self-efficacy; management with control and escape; self-efficacy and control; personal agency with control and self-efficacy; interpersonal agency with control, management, self-efficacy and personal agency. In the analysis of linear regression, the more the use of control, the higher self-efficacy, personal and interpersonal agency; the more the use of symptom management, the higher the interpersonal agency. Conclusions: The results pointed to the value of the experience and of the beliefs of efficacy and agency for a competent aging in the work. The individuals aging in the work and organizations take the benefit of the best comprehension of relations among age, experience, stressor coping and personal beliefsMestradoGerontologiaMestre em Gerontologi

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