Cytological Studies In Climbers Of A Brazilian Forest Reserve


Cytological studies were carried out based on eleven species in seven families of climbers from the Santa Genebra Forest Reserve: Canavalia parviflora, Canavalia picta, Centrosema sagitattum, Phaseolus lunatus (Fabaceae), Dalechampia pentaphylla (Euphorbiaceae), Mascagnia anisopetala, Stigmaphyllon lalandianum (Malpighiaceae), Merremia macrocalyx (Convolvulaceae), Momordica charantia (Cucurbitaceae), Passiflora miersii (Passifloraceae). Their chromosome numbers and its distribution inside their genera were analyzed. In eight species the chromosomes were measured and for three of these species it was possible to construct the chromosomal ideograms based on karyological data. Five of these chromosome counts were made for the first time.634415420Agarwal, P.K., Roy, P., Natural polyploids in cucurbitaceae I. Cytogenetical studies in triploid Momordica dioica Roxb (1976) Caryologia, 29 (1), pp. 7-13Anderson, W.R., Byrsonimoideac, a new sub-famity of Malpighiaceae (1977) Biotropica, 7, pp. 5-18Bairiganjan, G.C., Patnaik, S.N., Chromosomal evolution in Fabaceae (1989) Cytologia, 54, pp. 51-64Baker, M.A., Parfitt, B.D., Chromosome number reports 9 (1986) Taxon, 35, pp. 405-406Banisin, A., Vargas, M.G., A cytogenetic study of seven species of Centrosema (DC) Benth, (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae) (1989) Rev. Bras. Genet., 12 (2), pp. 319-329Castellant, A., Stubblebme, W.H., Suscessāo secundaria inicial em mata tropical mesöfila, apōs perturbaçäo por fogo (1993) Rev Bras. Bot., 16 (1), pp. 18-204Coleman, J.R., Chromosome numbers of Angiosperms collected in the state of São Paulo (1982) Rev. Bras. Genet., 3, pp. 533-549Covas, G., Estudos cariológicos en antófitas III (1949) Darwiniana, 9 (1), pp. 158-162Form-Martins, E.R., New chromosome numbers in the genus Pigna Savi Leguminosae-Papilionoideae (1986) Bull Jard Bot Natl. Belgique, 56, pp. 129-133Gentry, A.H., The distribution and evolution of climbing plants- Capt 1 (1991) The Biology of Vines, pp. 29-42. , Putz, F. E. and Mooney, H. A. (eds.) 1991. Univ. Cambridge Press. N. YGoldblatt, P., Chromosome numbers in Legumes II (1981) Ann. Miss. Bot Gard., 68, pp. 546-550Guerra, M.S., O uso do corante Giemsa na citogenetica vegetal-comparaçāo simples e bandamento (1983) Ciène. Cult., 35, pp. 190-193Guanabara, S.A.R.J., (1988) Introduçao à À Citogenetica Geral, p. 142Huziwara, Y., Karyotype analysis in some genera of Compositae. VIII Further studies on the chromosome of Aster (1962) Amer. J. Bot., 49, pp. 116-119Jacobs, M., The study of lianas (1976) Flora Malesiana Bull, 29, pp. 2610-2618Mckay, J.W., Chromosome studies in Cucurbitaceae (1931) Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot., 16 (9), pp. 339-350Rodrigues, B.F., Torne, S.G., Karyological studies in three Canavalia species (1990) Cytologia, 55 (3), pp. 395-398Sampathkumar, R., Karyomorphological studies in some South Indian Convolvulaceae (1979) Cytologia, 44, pp. 275-286Sarbhoy, R.K., Karyological studies in the genus Phaseolus, Linn (1980) Cytologia, 45, pp. 363-373Sharma, A.K., Chaterjii, A.K., A cytological investigation of some Convolulaceae as an aid in understanding their lines of evolution (1957) Phyton, 2, pp. 1-50Sinha, S.S.N., Roy, H., Cytological studies in the genus Phaseolus I. Mitotic analysis in fourteen species (1979) Cytologia, 44, pp. 191-199Snow, N., Macdougal, J.M., New chromosome reports in Passiflora (Passifloraceae) (1993) Systematic Bot, 18 (2), pp. 261-317Trivedi, R.N., Roy, R.P., Cytological studies m some species of Momordica (1972) Genetica, 43, pp. 282-291Vanzela, A.L.L., (1994) Análise Citogenética e Evolução Cariotipica Em Plantas Do Gènero Dalechampia (Euphorbiaceae), p. 106. , Master thesis, Univ. Est. Londrina, Brasi

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