Program Experiences Limentação Combined Local School E Desenvolvimento Em São Paulo-brazil [experiências De Programas Combinados De Alimentação Escolar E Desenvolvimento Local Em São Paulo-brasil]


School feeding is a public policy that serves nearly 50 million Brazilians, which receive at least one meal a day. Recent legislation has tied the procurement of food to the schools to family farming through transfers from the federal government. This descriptive study sought to assess the combined effect of school feeding programs and rural development in the following dimensions: improvement of the living conditions of farmers, the local development and the food quality served to students. The research focused in two municipalities that share socio-economic, demographic and cultural aspects. One of them had implanted the food procurement from family farms (test), and the other not (control) during the years 2010 and 2011. The results show that organization of family farmers from incentives and support mechanisms by the municipal administration is essential to implement the municipal procurement. 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