O Currículo Da Educação Física Na Rede Municipal De Barueri: As Percepções Dos Professores


This study aimed to know physical education teachers’ perceptions in the city of Barueri, São Paulo, about the reference plan for the PE curricular component and on its implementation process. Qualitative research was conducted including interviews with fourteen teachers, which were the focus of content analysis. It found that teachers favor a common curriculum that standardizes pedagogical practice, but they want some flexibility to adapt it to their views and to students’ characteristics. Teachers criticize the curriculum’s design, content organization and especially implementation. Tensions and conflicts were found in curriculum development as well as interdependence between curriculum dimensions. Thus, teachers are changed by interference of the official curriculum and the curriculum is changed by teachers’ action. © 2017, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. All rights reserved.23124926

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