Launching of non-dispersive sub- and superluminal beams


In this paper we analyze the physical meaning of sub-and superluminal soliton-like solutions (as the X-waves) of the relativistic wave equations and of some non-trivial solutions of the free Schrodinger equations for which the concepts of phase and group velocities have a different meaning than in the case of plane-wave solutions. If we accept the strict validity of the principle of relativity, such solutions describe objects of two essentially different nature: carrying energy wave packets and inertia-free proper phase vibrations. The speeds of the first-type objects can exceed the plane-wave velocity c* only inside media and are always less than the vacuum light speed c. Particularly, very fast sound pulses with speeds c, < v < c have already been launched. The second-type objects are incapable of carrying energy and information but have superluminal speed. If we admit the possibility of a breakdown of Lorentz invariance, pulses described, for example, by superluminal solutions of the Maxwell equations can be generated. Only experiment will give the final answer.113332933

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