Comparative leaflet anatomy in Myrocarpus Allemao, Myroxylon L. f and Myrospermum Jacq. (Leguminosae-Papilionoideae-Sophoreae) species


A comparative study on anatomical characters of the leaflets of all species of Myrocarpus, Myroxylon and Myrospermum was carried out in order to evaluate their potential value in taxonomy. The study showed that among the investigated characters the arrangement of the main vascular bundles as seen in transverse section, the presence or absence of secretary structures in the midrib, the occurrence and position of papillose epidermal cells, and mesophyll organization present meaningful variation between the species and in combination or uniquely their occurrence can be used to identify the species. Some of the obtained anatomical data support generic or specific circumscriptions and are listed for the first time for most of the species of Myrocarpus, Myroxylon and Myrospermum. (C) The Linnean Society of London140324925

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