Performance, carcass and cut yields of crossbred Marchigiana x Nellore animals, bulls and heifers, finished in feedlots


The objective of this work was to comparatively evaluate the performance, carcass and cut yields and economic estimates of animals, bulls and heifers, crossbred Marchigiana (M) x Nellore (N) animals, and the use of the heifers as a final product. Thirty-four animals with 17 months of averaging age were allotted, in three groups. 1. 12 1/2 MN bulls, 2. 10 1/2 MN heifers and 3. 12 3/4 MN heifers, to a completely randomized experimental design. Contrasts between the mean responses of 1/2 MN bull group versus 1/2 MN and 3/4 MN groups and within 1/2 and 3/4 MN heifers groups, were made in the different feedlot periods. The means of cold carcass weights (CCW) and yields were, respectively, 321.31 kg and 58.94% for 1/2 MN bulls, that were superior of the 1/2 and 3/4 MN heifers; with values of 263.64 kg and 56.82%; and 289.56 kg and 57.94%, respectively. The economic results (%LW) of the carcass and cut yields, were higher for the 1/2 MN bulls than for the 1/2 and 3/4 MN heifers. However, based on that, the CCW differences between bulls and heifers were minimal, and that the hindquarter cut yields (rump, cap of rump, tenderloin and striploin) were higher than that for bulls and that 1/2 heifers (striploin) higher than the 3/4 MN heifers. The fattening of the heifers as a final product is justified. The economic devaluation of the heifers, as occurred in the Brazilian meat market did not justify, based on the results of this work.2761199120

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