The politics and the civil society as presumptions of individual social freedom: the contributions of John Locke as fundamentalism modernity


This text seeks to introduce the statements worked by the english thinker John Locke who, when forging an idea of society in the seventeen century, shows for the society a way to assimilate what has been proposed by him, which is the formation of the man through a political project, with the assumptions of liberalism argued by him. The initial point that will be highlighted is that, when forming the civil society, the men understood it as a form of political organization, so creating an institutional way so they could be bound to anything that could bring them guarantees, and it is always good to remember that the pursuit of such guarantees comes to the protection of life, personal security and mainly, of their property. That is, still in the state of nature, that men had the experience of knowledge of freedom, and so does not make any sense to lose at all something that was difficult to conquer.2026112

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