Nonionic Reactive Surfactants In Emulsion Polymerization Of Vinyl Acetate - Vinyl Neodecanoate Latexes: Influence On The Water Barrier Properties [surfactantes Reativos Não-iônicos Em Polimeriza̧ão Em Emulsão De Látices De Acetato De Vinila - Vinil Neodecanoato: Influência Nas Propriedades De Barreira à água]


The paint industry is a huge consumer of latex from emulsion polymerization. The surfactants, essential to the stability of the latex, play a crucial role in the production and application of emulsion polymers. However, they can also have adverse effects on product properties due to their physical adsorption on the polymer particles. The unbound surfactants can migrate through the film toward the interfaces forming aggregates which increase water sensitivity of the film, thus affecting its barrier properties. A promising way to reduce the negative effects of the conventional surfactants is to use polymerizable or reactive surfactants (surfmers) that are covalently linked to the polymer, which avoids its desorption and migration during the film formation. In this work vinyl acetate - vinyl neodecanoate (VeoVa 10®) latexes, stabilized with conventional and reactive nonionic surfactant, were prepared and the performance of these films was evaluated. It was noted that latexes stabilized with nonionic polymerizable surfactants can bring, under certain conditions, better barrier properties.1912230Borsato, D.Moreira, I. & Galão, O. F. - Detergentes Naturals e Sintéticos: um guia técnico, 2o edĩo re- visada, Editora da Universidade Estadual de Londrina, (2004)Gilbert, R.G., (1995) Emulsion Polymerization: A Mechanistic Approach, , Academic PressJonsson, B., Lindman, B., (2001) Surfactants and Polymers in Aqueous Solution, , Wiley Interscience PublicationBuckmann, A.J.P., Nabuurs, T., Overbeek, G.C., (2002) Paints and Coatings Industry, 18, p. 96Buckmann, A. J. P.Nabuurs, T. & Overbeek, G. C. - European Coatings Journal, 6, p.53 (2001)Guyot, A., (2004) Adv. Colloid Interface Sci, 108-109, p. 3Roy, S., Favresse, P., Laschewsky, A., De la Cal, J.C., Asua, J.M., (1999) Macromolecules, 32, p. 5967Schoonbrood, H.A.S., Asua, J.M., (1997) Macromolecules, 30, p. 6034McNamee, W., Grade, J., Non-Migratory Surfactants in Emulsion Polymerization (2005) 9° Congresso Interna- cional de Tintas, ABRAFATI, , São PauloBruyn, H.Miller, M. C.Basset, D. R. & Gilbert, R. G. - Macromolecules, 35, p.8371 (2002)Colombié, D.Sudol, E. D. & El-Aasser M. - Role of Mixed An-/Nonionic Systems of Surfactants in Emulsion Polymerization, in: RC User Forum, Marco Island, USA (1998)Arz, C., (2002) Macromol. Symp, 187, p. 199Butler, L. N.Fellows, C. M. & Gilbert, R. G. - Progress in Organic Coatings, 53, p.112 (2005)Chu, H.H., Piirma, I., (1989) Polymer Bulletin, 21, p. 301Arbina, L. L.Gugliotta, L. M.Barandiaran, M. J. & Asua, J. M. - Polymer, 39, p.4047 (1998)Rogers, C.E., (1965) Physics and Chemistry of the Organic Solid State, 2. , New York, Interscience PublisherIto, F.Makino, K.Ohshima, H.Terada, H. & Omi S. - Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 233, p.171 (2004)Tadros, T. - Colloids and Interface Science Series, 1, Colloid Stability: The Role of Surface Forces, Part I, Willey-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (2007)Lazaridis, N.Alexopoulos, A. H.Chatzi, E. G. & Kiparissides, C. - Chem. Sci. Eng., 54, p.3251 (1999)Rosen, M. J. - Surfactants and Interfacial Phenomena, iley, New York (1989)Amalvy, J.L., Unzue, M.J., Schoonbrood, H.A.S., Asua, J.M., (2002) J. Polym. Sci.: Part A, 40, p. 2994Visschers, M.Laven, J. & van der Linde, R. - Progress in Org. Coating, 31, p. 311 (1997)De la Cal, J.C., Asua, J.M., (2001) J. Polym. Sci.: Part A, 39, p. 585Aramendia, E.Mallegol, J.Jeynes, C.Barandiaran, M. J.Keddie, J. L. & Asua, J. M. - Langmuir, 19, p.3212 (2003)Murakami, M.M., Correlagao entre morfologia, his- tória de processamento, propriedades fisco-qúmicas e de transporte em filmes de policarbonato (1995) Disserta- ̧ão de Mestrado, , Universidade Federal de São Carlos, BrasilAramendia, E.Barandiaran, M. J.Grade, J.Blease, T. & Asua, J. M. - Langmuir, 21, p.1428 (2005)Lin, F. & Meier, D. J. - Langmuir, 11, p.2726 (1995)Lin, F. & Meier, D. J. - Langmuir, 12, p.2274 (1996)Cannon, L.A., Pethrick, R.A., (2002) Polym, 43, p. 642

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