Paper And Surface Chemistry - Part 2 - Coating And Printability


The surface chemical interaction that was involved in manufacturing and printing of paper was investigated. Different treatments like- calendering or coating were applied to paper surfaces to improve printability, optical properties and strength. Coating was found as the mixture of minerals, colloidal particles and dissolved polymers applied on the base paper that require optimum flow properties. It was found that the concept of surface engineering applied in coating and printing ink formulations made possible the development of economically beneficial paper.194456Alince, B., Lepoutre, P., Porosity and optical properties of clay coatings (1980) J. Coll. Interf. Sci., 76 (2), p. 439Allem, R., Characterization of paper coatings by scanning electron microscopy and image analysis (1998) J. Pulp Pap. Sci., 24 (10), p. 329Aspler, J.S., Interactions of ink and water with the paper surface in printing (1993) Nord. Pulp Pap. Res. 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