Temporomandibular Dysfunction Post-craniotomy: Evaluation Between Pre- And Post-operative Status


Objective To identify risk factors associated with post-operative temporomandibular joint dysfunction after craniotomy. Methods The study sample included 24 patients, mean age of 37.3 ± 10 years; eligible for surgery for refractory epilepsy, evaluated according to RDC/TMD before and after surgery. The primary predictor was the time after the surgery. The primary outcome variable was maximal mouth opening. Other outcome variables were: disc displacement, bruxism, TMJ sound, TMJ pain, and pain associated to mandibular movements. Data analyses were performed using bivariate and multiple regression methods.Results The maximal mouth opening was significantly reduced after surgery in all patients (p = 0.03). In the multiple regression model, time of evaluation and pre-operative bruxism were significantly (p <.05) associated with an increased risk for TMD post-surgery. Conclusion A significant correlation between surgery follow-up time and maximal opening mouth was found. 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