Training Level Does Not Influence The Rating Of Perceived Exertion During An Incremental Test [o Nível De Treinamento Não Influencia A Percepção Subjetiva De Esforço Durante Um Teste Incremental]


Different training levels, combined with experience in performing exhaustive exercise, may produce different sensations of fatigue. The objective of this study was to compare the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) between cyclists and non-cyclists during a maximal incremental test (ITMAX). Twenty-three subjects were recruited and divided into a cyclist group (CG) (n = 12; age: 26.5 ± 4.7 years, body weight: 68.2 ± 11kg, height: 176 ± 8.6 cm) and a non-cyclist group (NCG) (n = 11; 25.2 ± 4.0 years, body weight: 72.9 ± 9 kg, height: 175.1 ± 6.3 cm). All subjects performed an ITMAX until exhaustion on a cycling simulator, starting at 0 W and with increments of 20 W.min-1. RPE was measured at 30-second intervals during ITMAX and the maximal power output (PMAX) of each subject was also recorded. The total time of each test was normalized to the percentage of completed trial (10% to 100%, intervals of 10%), and the corresponding RPE was recorded. PMAX was 368 ± 12.7 W and 256 ± 11.2 W for CG and NCG, respectively (P < 0.01). No significant difference in median RPE was observed between groups at any time point. In conclusion, RPE responses did not differ between CG and NCG during ITMAX, suggesting that training level does not influence RPE.123159163Borg, E., Kaijser, L., A Comparison Between Three Rating Scales for Perceived Exertion and Two Different Work Tests (2006) Scand J Med Sci Sports, 16 (1), pp. 57-69Hummel, A., Läubli, T., Pozzo, M., Schenk, P., Spillmann, S., Klipstein, A., Relationship Between Perceived Exertion and Mean Power Frequency of the EMG Signal from the Upper Trapezius Muscle During Isometric Shoulder Elevation (2005) Eur J Appl Physiol, 95 (4), pp. 312-326(2005) Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, , American College of Sports Medicine., 7th edn. 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