Storage Of Minimally Processed Cabbage In Different Packaging Systems


The stability of fresh-cut cabbage packed in low density polyethylene under active modified atmosphere and in expanded polystyrene trays wrapped with PVC was evaluated. Fresh-cut product was stored for 16 days in a cold room at 5±1°C and 95±5% RH and in a refrigerated display, similar to the ones found in convenience stores. The following variables were analyzed: O2 and CO2 inside the package headspace, browning increment, luminosity, polyphenoloxidase and peroxidase activities, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, fresh mass loss, and ascorbic acid content. Stability of fresh-cut cabbage showed high in the temperature of 5°C when compared in the storage in the refrigerated display. Active modified atmosphere was not effective to extend the shelf life of fresh-cut cabbage when compared to the other treatments. LDPE packaging was more adequate for freshcut cabbage storage. However, PVC wrapping also presented satisfactory effects.877597602Almeida, M.E.M., Nogueira, J.N., The control of polyphenol oxidase activity in fruits and vegetables (1995) A Study of the Interactions Between the Chemical Compounds Used and Heat Treatment. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 47, pp. 245-256Cantwell, M., Suslow, T., Postharvest handling systems: Minimally processed fruits and vegetables (2002) Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Crops, pp. 445-463. , A. A. Kader ed., 3rd ed. Davis: Univ. California, Division of Horticultural and Natural Resources. Cap. 36Durigan, J.F., Panorama do processamento mínimo de frutas (2004) Encontro Nacional Sobre Processamento Mínimo de Frutas e Hortaliças, 3, pp. 9-12. , Viçosa, Palestras, Resumos e Oficinas, Viçosa, UFV, 2004Gorny, J.R., A Summary of CA and MA requirements and recommendations for fresh-cut (minimally processed) fruits and vegetables (2003) Acta Hort, 600, pp. 609-614(1985) Normas Analíticas Do Instituto Adolfo Lutz: Métodos Químicos e Físicos Para Análise de Alimentos, 1, p. 371. , Instituto Adolfo Lutz, 2.ed. São Paulo: Instituto Adolfo LutzKawano, S., Onodera, T., Hayakawa, A., Kawashina, K., Iwamoto, M., Cold storage of shredded cabbage (1984) Report of the National Food Research Institute, 45, pp. 86-91Khan, A.A., Robinson, D.S., Hydrogen donor specificity of mango isoperoxidases (1994) Food Chemistry, 49, pp. 407-410Klein, B.P., Nutritional consequences of minimal processing of fruits and vegetables (1987) Journal of Food Quality, 10, pp. 179-193Marth, E.H., Extended shelf life refrigerated foods: Microbiological quality and safety (1988) Food Technology, 52, pp. 57-62Rinaldi, M.M., Conservação de repolho minimamente processado em diferentes sistemas de embalagem (2005) Conservation of Minimally Processed Cabbage in Differents Package Systems. Campinas, pp. 125f. ,, 2005, Tese Doutorado em Tecnologia póscolheita. Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola, Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Available atRinaldi, M.M., Benedetti, B.C., Calore, L., Efeito da embalagem e temperatura de armazenamento em repolho minimamente processado (2005) Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, 25 (3), pp. 480-486Sarantópoulos, C.I.G.L., Oliveira, L.M., Teles, C.S., Coppelmans, S.A., Efeitos da embalagem e da temperatura de estocagem na qualidade de couve minimamente processada (2003) Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, Campinas, 6 (2), pp. 185-190Schlimme, D.V., Marketing lightly processed fruits and vegetables (1995) HortScience, 30, pp. 15-17Silva, E.O., Fisiologia pós-colheita de repolho (Brassica oleracea var (2000) Capitata) Minimamente Processado, pp. 79f. , 2000, Tese Doutorado em Fisiologia Vegetal - Universidade Federal de Viçosa, ViçosaWhitaker, J.R., Lee, C.Y., Recent advances in chemistry of enzymatic browning - An overview (1995) Enzymatic Browning and its Prevention, pp. 2-7. , C. Y. Lee and J. R. Whitaker eds., Washington, DC, American Chemical SocietyYano, M., Saijo, R., New preservation method for sheredded cabbage with special reference to nonbrowning cultivar (1987) Journal Japonese Society Cold Preservation Food, 13, pp. 11-1

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