Involving Objective And Subjective Aspects In Multistage Decision Making And Control Under Fuzziness: Dynamic Programming And Neural Networks


We extend the basic Bellman and Zadeh's [Manage. Sci., 17, 141-164 (1970)] model of multistage decision making (control) in a fuzzy environment to include both objective and subjective evaluations of how well fuzzy constraints on decisions (controls) applied and fuzzy goals on states (outputs) attained are satisfied. We discuss the solution by an extended fuzzy dynamic programming model. We present Francelin and Gomide's [Proc. of Second IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems- FUZZ-IEEE'93, San Francisco, CA, Vol. 1, 1993, pp. 655-660] [cf. also Francelin, Gomide, and Kacprzyk [Proc. of Sixth IFSA World Congress, Saõ Paolo, Brazil, Vol. II, 1995, pp. 221-224] and Kacprzyk, Romero, and Gomide [Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for Information Processing, Physica-Verlag (Springer-Verlag), Heidelberg-New York, forthcoming]] neural network implementing fuzzy dynamic programming, and then show its extension to cover both the objective and subjective evaluations involved in the proposed extension of the basic Bellman and Zadeh's [Manage. Sci., 17, 141-164 (1970)] model. We show its use for solving a socioeconomic regional planning problem proposed in Kacprzyk and Straszak [Applied Systems and Cybernetics, Pergamon, New York, 1982, Vol. 6, pp. 2997-3004; Recent Developments in Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory, Pergamon, New York, 1982, pp. 531-541; IEEE Trans. Syst. Man, Cybern., SMC-14, 310-313 (1984)] [cf. Kacprzyk's [Multistage Fuzzy Control, Wiley, Chichester, 1997] book], extending Kacprzyk, Romero, and Gomide [Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for Information Processing, Physica-Verlag (Springer-Verlag), Heidelberg-New York, forthcoming]. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.14179104Bellman, R.E., Zadeh, L.A., (1970) Manage Sci, 17, pp. 141-164Kacprzyk, J., (1997) Multistage Fuzzy Control, , Wiley, ChichesterKacprzyk, J., (1983) Multistage Decision Making under Fuzziness, , Verlag TÜV Rheinland, CologneKacprzyk, J., Straszak, A., (1982) Applied Systems and Cybernetics, 6, pp. 2997-3004. , Lasker, G. E., Ed.Pergamon, New YorkKacprzyk, J., Straszak, A., (1982) Recent Developments in Fuzzy Sets and Possibility Theory, pp. 531-541. , Yager, R. R., Ed.Pergamon, New YorkKacprzyk, J., Straszak, A., (1984) IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern, SMC-14, pp. 310-313Kacprzyk, J., Esogbue, A.O., (1996) Fuzzy Sets Syst, 81, pp. 31-46Francelin, R.A., Gomide, F.A.C., A neural network for fuzzy decision making problems (1993) Proc. of Second IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems - FUZZ-IEEE'93, pp. 655-660. , San Francisco, CA, Vol. 1Kacprzyk, J., Romero, R.A., Gomide, F.A.C., (1999) Neuro-Fuzzy Techniques for Information Processing, , Kasabov, N. and Kozma, R., Eds.Physica-Verlag (Springer-Verlag), Heidelberg-New YorkFrancelin, R.A., Gomide, F.A.C., Kacprzyk, J., A class of neural networks for dynamic programming (1995) Proc. of Sixth IFSA World Congress, pp. 221-224. , Saõ Paolo, Brazil, Vol. IINijkamp, P., (1986) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, , North-Holland, AmsterdamKacprzyk, J., (1978) Contr Cybern, 7, pp. 51-64Kacprzyk, J., (1979) Kybernetes, 8, pp. 139-147Kacprzyk, J., Multistage control of a fuzzy system using a genetic algorithm (1995) Proc. of Int. Joint Conf. of 4th IEEE Int. Conf. on Fuzzy Systems and 2nd Int. Fuzzy Engineering Symp. (FUZZ-IEEE/IFES'95), 2, pp. 1083-1088. , YokohamaKacprzyk, J., Multistage fuzzy control using a genetic algorithm (1995) Proc. of 6th IFSA World Congress, 2, pp. 225-228. , Saõ Paolo, BrazilKacprzyk, J., A modified genetic algorithm for multistage control of a fuzzy system (1995) Proc. of 3rd Eur Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing - EUFIT'95, 1, pp. 463-466. , Aachen, German

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