Effects Of The Gamma Radiation In Nutritional Quality Of Soybean Grains Glycine Max (l.) [efeitos Da Radiação Gama Na Qualidade Nutricional De Grãos De Soja Glycine Max (l.)]


The objective of this study was to determine alterations caused by gamma radiation (doses of 0, 2, 4 and 8 kGy) in two different soybean cultivars (BRS 213 and Embrapa 48). The study included analysis of the lipid profile, isoflavones and total, free and protein-binding polyphenols. Both cultivars showed similar lipid profile and the irradiation decreased the amount of linoleic and linolenic acids. The results showed that glycosylated isoflavones were increased at 2 kGy and decreased at 4 and 8 kGy of radiation. The radiation was also responsible for the increase of antioxidant activity and for protein-binding polyphenols reduction. The results of this study indicated that gamma radiation did not change significantly the chemical characteristics of the soybean cultivars.322319322Aguiar, C.L., (2004) Transformação física E bioquímica De Isoflavonas Conjugadas De Soja (Glycine Max L.) E O Efeito Na Atividade Biologica in Vitro, p. 2004. , f. Dissertação. 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