Density Of Planting And Age Of Phillanthus Amarus - Genotype Unicamp/ Cpqba-14 On The Productivity Of Phyllanthin [densidade De Plantio E Idade De Colheita De Quebra-pedra [phyllanthus Amarus (schumach. & Thonning) Genótipo Unicamp-cpqba 14] Na Produtividade De Filantina]


The effect of planting density and age of Phyllanthus amarus- genotype CPQBA-14, on the content and productivity of phyllanthin were evaluated. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 4 × 6, with five replicates, consisting of 4 treatments of planting density (400.000 pl ha-1; 200.000 pl ha-1; 100.000 pl ha-1 and 66667.68 pl ha-1) with six ages of plants (30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 days after transplanting (DAT)). Data were subjected to analysis of variance and regression (P>0.005). For phyllanthin content independent and significant effects of harvest and planting density were observed. The phyllanthin contents increased with plant age, peaking at 105 DAT, with a content of 11.52 g kg-1. The estimated population density that provided the high phyllanthin contents (8.66 g kg-1) was at 299.860 pl ha-1. The productivity of phyllanthin showed significant interaction between planting density and plants ages. It was observed during the plant growth, the treatments with 200 and 400.000 pl ha -1 had the highest yield of phyllanthin (39.3 and 37.8 kg ha-1) with 95.17 and 97.12 DAT, respectively. We conclude that the proper spacing for best spatial arrangement of the cultivation is 299.860 pl ha-1 for the yield of 3974.19 kg (dry weight leaf) × 0.00866 kg (phyllanthin contents) = 34.416 kg ha-1 of phyllanthin with harvest scheduled at 97 DAT.SPECIAL ISSUE633641Barbosa Filho, J.M., Lignanas, neolignanas e seus análogos (2000) Farmacognosia: Da planta ao medicamento, pp. 481-498. , In: SIMÕES, C.M. OSCHENKEL, E.P., GOSMANN, G., MELLO, J.C.P.MENTZ, L.A.PETROVICK, P. R, Porto Alegre: Ed. 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