Serogroups And Virulence Genes Of Escherichia Coli Isolated From Psittacine Birds


Escherichia coli isolates from 24 sick psittacine birds were serogrouped and investigated for the presence of genes encoding the following virulence factors: attaching and effacing (eae), enteropathogenic E. coli EAF plasmid (EAF), pili associated with pyelonephritis (pap), S fimbriae (sfa), afimbrial adhesin (afa), capsule K1 (neu), curli (crl, csgA), temperature--sensitive hemagglutinin (tsh), enteroaggregative heat-stable enterotoxin-1 (astA), heat--stable enterotoxin -1 heat labile (LT) and heat stable (STa and STb) enterotoxins, Shiga-like toxins (stx1 and stx2), cytotoxic necrotizing factor 1 (cnf1), haemolysin (hly), aerobactin production (iuc) and serum resistance (iss). The results showed that the isolates belonged to 12 serogroups: O7; O15; O21; O23; O54; O64; O76; O84; O88; O128; O152 and O166. The virulence genes found were: crl in all isolates, pap in 10 isolates, iss in seven isolates, csgA in five isolates, iuc and tsh in three isolates and eae in two isolates. The combination of virulence genes revealed 11 different genotypic patterns. All strains were negative for genes encoding for EAF, EAEC, K1, sfa, afa, hly, cnf, LT, STa, STb, stx1 and stx2. Our findings showed that some E. coli isolated from psittacine birds present the same virulence factors as avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), uropathogenic E. coli (UPEC) and Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) pathotypes.3110916921Baldini, M.M., Kaper, J.B., Levine, M.M., Candy, D.C.A., Moon, H.W., Plasmid-mediated adhesion of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (1983) J. Pediatr. Gastroenterol. Nutr., 2, pp. 534-538Bangert, R.L., Cho, B.R., Widders, P.R., Strauber, E.H., Ward, A.C.S., A survey of aerobic bacteria and fungi in the healthy psittacine birds (1988) Avian Dis, 32, pp. 46-52Baudry, B., Savarino, S.J., Vial, P., Kaper, J.P., Levine, M.M.A., A sensitive and specific DNMA probe to identify enteroaggregative E. coli, a recently discovered diarrheal pathogen (1990) J. Infect. 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