Relevant Radiological Findings For The Diagnosis Of Necrotizing Enterocolitis And Their Complications [aspectos Radiológicos Relevantes No Diagnóstico Da Enterocolite Necrosante E Suas Complicações]


Necrotizing enterocolitis is one of the most frequent and severe gastrointestinal emergencies occurring in the neonatal period. Once necrotizing enterocolitis is suspected a simple abdominal x-ray is a routine examination and this film will play an essential role in the diagnosis of the disease and the follow-up care of the patient, as well as in the detection of complications. In the present study we reviewed the pertinent literature and described the radiological findings, illustrated with cases from our institution. We concluded that the radiological diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis done at all stages contributes for an immediate therapeutic management, reducing the complications and improving the patient's survival.402127130Kosloske, A.M., Musemeche, A., Necrotizing enterocolitis of the neonate (1989) Clin Perinatol, 16, pp. 97-111Buonomo, C., The radiology of necrotizing enterocolitis (1999) Radiol Clin North Am, 37, pp. 1187-1198Ostlie, D.J., Spilde, T.L., St Peter, S.D., Necrotizing enterocolitis in full-term infants (2003) J Pediatr Surg, 38, pp. 1039-1042Kanto Jr, W.P., Hunter, J.E., Stoll, B.J., Recognition and medical management of necrotizing enterocolitis (1994) Clin Perinatol, 21, pp. 335-346Daneman, A., Woodward, S., da Silva, M., The radiology of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). A review of 47 cases and the literature (1978) Pediatr Radiol, 7, pp. 70-77Morrison, S.C., Jacobson, J.M., The radiology of necrotizing enterocolitis (1994) Clin Perinatol, 21, pp. 347-363Edwards, D.K., Size of gas-filled bowel loops in infants (1980) AJR Am J Roentgenol, 135, pp. 331-334Jaile, J.C., Levin, T., Wung, J.T., Abramson, S.J., Ruzal-Shapiro, C., Berdon, W.E., Benign gaseous distention of the bowel in premature infants treated with nasal continuous airway pressure: A study of contributing factors (1992) AJR Am J Roentgenol, 158, pp. 125-127Wexler, H., The persistent loop sign in neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis: A new indication for surgical intervention? (1978) Pediatr Radiol, 126, pp. 201-204Leonard Jr, T., Johnson, J.F., Pettett, P.G., Critical evaluation of the persistent loop sign in necrotizing enterocolitis (1982) Radiology, 142, pp. 385-386Swischuk, L.E., Alimentary tract (2004) Imaging of the newborn, infant, and young child, pp. 341-589. , Swischuk LE, editor, 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & WilkinsHeng, Y., Schuffler, M.D., Haggitt, R.C., Rohrmann, C.A., Pneumatosis intestinalis: A review (1995) Am J Gastroenterol, 90, pp. 1747-1758Pear, B.L., Pneumatosis intestinalis: A review (1998) Radiology, 207, pp. 13-19Molik, K.A., West, K.W., Rescorla, F.J., Scherer, L.R., Engum, S.A., Grosfeld, J.L., Portal venous air: The poor prognosis persists (2001) J Pediatr Surg, 36, pp. 1143-1145Briski, L.E., Von Berg, V., Humes, J.J., Necrotizing enterocolitis of the newborn (1982) Ann Clin Lab Sci, 12, pp. 186-193Gyll, C., The abdomen (1994) Manual of neonatal emergency x-ray interpretation, pp. 152-237. , Meerstadt PWD, Gyll C, editors, London: SaundersVirgee JP, Gill JG, Desa D, Somers S, Stevenson GW. Stricures and other late complications of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis. Clin Radiol 1979;30:25-31Kao, S.C.S., Smith, W.L., Franken Jr, E.A., Sato, Y., Sullivan, J.H., McGee, J.A., Contrast enema diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis (1992) Pediatr Radiol, 22, pp. 115-11

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