Korotkoff Sounds: Development Of The Sphygmomanometry Research At The Nursing School Of The Usp [sons De Korotkoff: Desenvolvimento Da Pesquisa Em Esfigmomanometria Na Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp]


This article pays homage to Sergei Nicolai Korotkoff, for the centenary of the auscultatory method discovery. It refers to his discover of blood pressure auscultatory method in Russia, in 1905; presents the evidence that resulted in the development of sphygmomanometry studies in Brasil; describes the important contribution of the Nursing School of the University of São Paulo to the development of blood pressure measurement research; and analyses the results of the research field of "Cuff width influence in blood pressure measurement", created at the Nursing School of The University of São Paulo, in 1974. The scientific results of doctoral studies are presented, identifying the research groups that are contributing to defying knowledge in this area. The article demonstrates the consolidation of the results related to the initial doctoral program studies developed in the area. 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