Comparison Of Indicators Of The Bone Tissue In Two Groups Of Young Adults: Practicing Weight Exercises And With Sedentary Habits [comparação De Indicadores Do Tecido ósseo Entre Dois Grupos De Adultos Jovens Praticantes De Treinamento Com Pesos E Sedentários]


The objective of the present study was to establish comparisons among the bone mineral content (BMC), the total bone mineral density (TOTAL BMD) and located bone mineral density (BMD) in the different corporal segments, training apprentices with weights of young male adults and sedentary young male adults. The sample was constituted by 23 individuals that were divided in training group (TG; n=12; 24.17 ± 2.69 years; 72.90 ± 8.81 kg; 176.48 ± 6.69 cm) and sedentary group (SG; n=11; 24.09 ± 2.55 years; 71.22 ± 10.77 kg; 177.63 ± 7.13 cm).The bone component was analyzed through the technique Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). For comparison of the analyzed parameters was used the test "t" of Student for independent samples (p0,05). 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