Evaluation Of The Pid Performance For Fcc Units


Catalytic cracking reactions are high mass carbon chain molecules breaking of heavy oils such as gasoil and petroleum refining residues. This process is extremely important because derived products of petroleum of high molecular weight are transformed in products of higher commercial values. This work objective is the implementation of a deterministic mathematical model using the mass and energy balances that describe a FCC conversor, and the development of a FORTRAN language simulator. It is intended, also, to study cases in order to explore the potential of the model to simulate the process control strategy. It is considered an evaluation of PID controllers under disturbances in some controlled variables important for operation. Good performance results have been achieved through simulations carried out in two distinct cases: at first, perturbations on the air temperature for the regenerator and, at second, on the feedstock, considering the PID action in some meshes of the process catalytic cracking.ABADIE, E., (1997) Craqueamento Catalítico. Relatório SEREC/CEN-SUD, , Rio de JaneiroMORO, L.F., ODLOAK, D., Constrained multivariable control of fluid catalytic cracking converters (1995) J. Proc. Control, 5 (1), pp. 29-39MORO, L.F., (1992) Desenvolvimento de um Controlador Preditivo Multivariável para um Conversor Industrial de Craqueamento Catalítico, , Dados. Dissertação (Tese de Mestrado) USP-SP, 77 pSPANDRI, R., Sintonia de Controladores Regulatórios (2003) Boletim Técnico Petrobras, , RJVIEIRA, W.G., (2002) FCC: Controle Preditivo e Identificação Via Redes Neurais, , Dados. Dissertação Tese de Doutorado, UNICAMP-S

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