A New Methodology For Mixture Characterization And Solvent Screening For Separation Process Application


Great significance is attached to phase equilibria in the design and optimisation of separation processes since it provides quantitative information on compositions in vapor and liquid phases The objective of this work is to develop a methodology for studying the vapor-(liquid)-liquid phase behavior of ternary systems and for rapidly determining the presences of partial miscibility and ternary azeotrope by using the commercial simulator PROII (Simulation Sciences. 1992). for the phase equilibrium calculation and generation of multiple data. The methodology uses flash simulation to do liquid-(liquid)-vapor equilibrium calculations: simulation results are used to generate equilibrium surfaces, which enable the thermodynamic characterization of ternary systems. Every system has three equilibrium surfaces . y1,y2 and y3. In the equilibrium surfaces one can observe if the system presents a gap of miscibility by observing a flat line formation. The number and extent of the flat lines give the dimensions of partial miscibility region of the system. It is possible also to identify, from the equilibrium surfaces, points for which x1 = y1, x2 = y2 and x3=y3 Lines formed by these points are designated non-ideality lines (x1=y1 and x3=y3) and inversion line (x2=y2). and they are used to verify if there exist ternary azeotropes. In this work we are establishing a relationship between the characteristic shape of the inversion line and the choice of the best solvent or entrainer to separate mixtures by extractive or azeotropic distillation. The developed methodology still can determine three phase equilibrium compositions.20SUPPL.1S219S224Andrade, M.H.C., (1991), MSc Thesis. DPQ/FEQ/UNICAMPDluzniewski, J.H., Adler, S.B., Ozkardesh, H., Barner, H.E., Aid to Correlation of Complex Equilibria (1973) Chemical Engineering Progress, 69 (11), pp. 79-80Gautam, R., Seider, W.D., Computation of Phase and Chemical Equilibrium, Part I Local and Constrained Minima in Gibbs Free Energy (1979) AIChE Journal, 25 (6), pp. 991-999Gmehling, J., Oken, U., Arlt, W., Vapor - Liquid Equilibrium Data Collection - Aqueous - Organic Systems (Supplement 1) (1981) Chemistry Data Series, 1 (PART 1A). , DECHEMAHenley, E.J., Rosen, E.M., (1969) Material and Energy Balance Computation, , New York, WileyHenriques, R.C.F., (1995), MSc Thesis, DPQ/FEQ/UNICAMPHorsley, L.H., (1973) Azeotropic Data - III. Advances in Chemistry Series 116, , American Chemical Society Washington, D.CMaciel, M.R.W., (1989), PhD Thesis. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Leeds, England. UKMaciel, M.R.W., D'Avila, S.G., Sbaite, C.A., Stinghen, A.O., Desidratação do Etanol por Destilação Azeotrópica (1992) COBEQ, pp. 152-161. , 9° Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia QuimicaMaciel, M.R.W., Prestes, J.M., (1994) Modelagem de Colunas de Destilação Azeotropica Em Batelada para Minimização de Poluentes Industriais, pp. 54-58. , Encuentro Latinoamericano de Ingenieria Quimica. Antofagasta. Chile. MayoMartini, R.F., (1995), Msc Thesis. DPQ/FEQ/UNICAMPMcGreavy, C., Maciel, M.R.W., Presentation of Multicomponent Phase Equilibria for Analysis od Distillation Process International Chem. Eng. Conference (1989) CHEMPOR'89, pp. 7C1-7CA. , LisbonPham, H.N., Doherty, M.F., Design and Synthesis of Heterogeneous AZeotropic Distillations - I.Heterogeneous Phase Diagrams (1990) Chemical Engineering Science, 45 (7), pp. 1823-1836Pham, H.N., Doherty, M.F., Design and Synthesis of Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillations - II.Residue Curve Maps (1990) Chemical Engineering Science, 45 (7), pp. 1837-1843Pham, H.N., Doherty, M.F., Design and Synthesis of Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillations - III.Column Sequences (1990) Chemical Engineering Science, 45 (7), pp. 1845-1854Prokopakis, G.J., Seider, W.D., Feasible Specifications in Azeotropic Distillation (1983) AIChF Journal, 29 (1), pp. 49-60(1992) PROII. Versão 3.02, , In

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