Retinol Blood Levels In High School Students Of São Paulo, Brazil [retinol Sérico De Adolescentes De Uma Escola Da Cidade De São Paulo]


Objective: The purpose of the study was to examine plasma retinol levels in 218 adolescents of both sexes, ages 10 to 19 years old. All the subjects attended a private high school in the city of São Paulo. Methods: In order to evaluate the students' nutritional condition, the researchers performed anthropometrical measurements - weight and height - in addition to investigating the subjects' diet history. The retinol level was measured through the spectrophotometer technique, considering as inadequate values of concentration under <1.05μmol/L (30μg/dL). Results: The results indicate that the average intake, according to the age range, was higher than recommended, even though presenting high deviation patterns for both genders. 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