Computational aeroacoustics of viscous low speed flows using subgrid scale finite element methods


A methodology to perform computational aeroacoustics (CAA) of viscous low speed flows in the framework of stabilized finite element methods is presented. A hybrid CAA procedure is followed that makes use of Lighthill's acoustic analogy in the frequency domain. The procedure has been conceptually divided into three steps. In the first one, the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations are solved to obtain the flow velocity field. In the second step, Lighthill's acoustic source term is computed from this velocity field and then Fourier transformed to the frequency domain. Finally, the acoustic pressure field is obtained by solving the corresponding inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation. All equations in the formulation are solved using subgrid scale stabilized finite element methods. The main ideas of the subgrid scale numerical strategy are outlined and its benefits when compared to the Galerkin approach are described. As numerical examples, the aerodynamic noise generated by flow past a two-dimensional cylinder and by flow past two cylinders in parallel arrangement are addressed

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