High-precision integrated parameter calibration method for seam tracker


This paper presents an integrated calibration method for seam tracker based on planar calibration plate, which can obtain all parameters of the tracker in one calibration. Firstly, a calibration plate is placed in the field of view of the camera to obtain multiple images in different positions. Secondly, the centers of the circle points and the sub-pixel centers of the line structured light on the calibration plate are automatically detected. Then the positions of the calibration plate are calculated according to the internal parameters of the camera, and the three-dimensional coordinates of the center line of the line structured light are calculated. Finally, all the three-dimensional coordinates of the line structured light centers are fitted to obtain the plane equation of the light plane, and the parameter calibration is completed. The experimental results show that the calibration method is fast and effective, which can realize the internal and external parameters calibration of the camera in the seam tracker in one operation. It has high calibration accuracy and meets the actual needs of seam tracking

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