Behavior of local isolates of PVX and PVYN in the screening for resistance to potato virases X and Y


Los aislamientos de los virus X (PVX) e Y (PVY°) son utilizados para identificar genotipos resistentes en el mejoramiento genético de la papa. Dado que recientemente no ha sido hallado PVY° en las principales áreas productoras de papa de la Argentina, se experimentó su reemplazo por aislamientos locales de PVX y PVYN. Estos se seleccionaron por los síntomas severos que inducía su presencia simultánea en el cv. Spunta. PVX se aisló mediante transmisión mecánica a Datura stramonium y PVYm por transmisión a tabaco cv. Samsun mediante Myzus persicae. La aptitud de estos aislamientos para la identificación de genotipos resistentes se comparó con la de PVX y PVY° provenientes del Uruguay. Ambos inóculos se prepararon mezclando el jugo extraído de 2 g de hojas de Nicotíana glutinosa que contenía uno de los aislamientos de PVX con el jugo extraído de 2 g de hojas de Nicotiana occidentalis, portadora del aislamiento de PVY. Estas mezclas se diluyeron en 100 ml de agua con 5 g de carburo de silicio de 600 mallas. La inoculación se efectuó con aerógrafo a 1,8 kg.cm2 de presión, desde un centímetro de distancia de las hojas, hasta notar su infiltración. Los aislamientos locales indujeron síntomas en el 33 % de tas plántulas de cada familia y los introducidos en el 21 %, para un total de 1969 y 1986 plántulas, respectivamente. La diferencia en favor de los aislamientos locales fue altamente significativa. La utilización de estos aislamientos disminuye el riesgo de difusión de otras razas y selecciona genotipos resistentes a las prevalentes en el país.Isolates of potato virus X (PVX) and potato virus Y (PVY), of the «common strain» group (PVY°), are generaliy used in the screening for resistance in potato breeding programs. Since PVY° strains have not been iateiy found in the main potato growing areas of Argentina, they were experimentaiiy irepiaced by local isolates of PVX and PVY11. These isolates, obtained in the southeast area of the province of Buenos Aires, were selected because of the severe symptoms they induced when tney were simuitaneousiy present in potato piants of cv. Spunta. PVX was isolated by mechanical transmission to Datura stramonium and PVY" by Myzus pérsicas transmission on tobáceo cv. Samsun. The aptitude of these isolates for the screening of resistant genotypes was compared with that of PVX and PVY° from the Uruguayan Breeding Program. Each inoculum was prepared by mixing the juice extracted from 2 g of Nicotiana glutinosa leaves containing one of the PVX isolates with that extracted from 2 g of leaves of Nicotiana occidentalis that carríed the corresponding PVY isolate. These mixtures were then diluted in 100 mi water and 5 g of Silicon Carbide 600 imesh were added. Inoculation was performed by spraying with an airbrush, positioned 1 cm away from the plantlets, at a pressure of 1.8*2. Piantlet leaves were sprayed until water soaking of the leaves was evident. Local isolates induced conspicuous symptoms in 33 % of the plantlets of each famiíy, whereas the foreign ones induced symptoms in 21 % of them, from a total of 1969 and 1986 plantlets, respectively. The difference was higniy significant. It is concluded that the local isolates were more efficient for the screening of resistant genotypes than the foreign ones. They also have the advaniages of diminishing the irisk of diffusion of exotic strains and of seiecting genotypes resistant to the prevaíent type of strains in our potato area.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

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