Beyond Us and Them: Perception of Covid-19 and Social Cohesion


This report presents first findings from our research project, “Beyond Us and Them” by the University of Kent with Belong – the Cohesion and Integration Network. The research is funded by the Nuffield Foundation. We are exploring how social cohesion within and between different groups and parts of the UK is being affected by the Covid-19 crisis. Many communities are responding positively to the crisis, as neighbours organise for mutual support to help vulnerable people. But some groups and individuals are suffering more than others. We want to understand what aspects of people’s experiences might be increasing or reducing the potential for positive relationships between different groups in society. Our questions should help policy makers to understand how their decisions can support individuals and local communities as the effects of the pandemic continue to develop or change. This first report presents some preliminary findings from our second wave survey conducted in June. We describe the demographic characteristics of the respondents, show where the research fits in the timeline of significant national events, and the report details some key findings from our questions about trust and perception of changing relationships during lockdown

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